This work is an invitation to see beyond religion and to open up to a God as in oneness, wholeness.
It's an invitation to stop seeing God outside ourselves as a savior, and to start connecting with the ALL that's within.
Enough blood is being spoiled,
fighting over who's wrong and who's right.
We need to unite!

The Horus-eye represents:
* a new way to look at the world
* the proces of universal one-ness
* protection against bad influences
From the 3th eye of the woman grows a lucky nine: a Thai symbol for happiness for all beings.

The word GOD is a representation of the Cristian believe, as I put the Islamic, Jewish, and all kinds of comic symbols in order to unite All in One.
Text: If you don't see God in all,
you can't see God at all.
The word God is surrounded by a spiral-heart.
The spiral is a globally positive symbol that belongs to everyone and excludes no one. ... Some consider the spiral a symbol of the spiritual journey. ...
It is also considered to represent the evolutionary process of learning and growing. It seems that life doesn't proceed in a straight line. The path of life more closely resemble a spiral. We seem to pass the same point over and over again but from a different perspective each time. To walk and then stand in the center of a spiral has been a psycho-spiritual exercise for centering the consciousness.
The spiral shows up often in nature - in hurricanes and tornados, in the pattern of seeds in a sunflower, in the growing tips of ferns, in the pattern that leaves grow on a stem, in the shape of a nautilus shell, and, as a helix, the shape of the DNA molecule.The spiral is the journey of life
The spiral stands for coming into being.

Davidstar combined with comic symbol for connection with extraterrestrials

Om Mani Padme Hum
Boeddhist matra of compassion
[O Jewel in the Lotus Flower] It signifies not only the jewel of man's divinity living within the lotus (the cosmos), but also the jewel of cosmic divinity living within the lotus (man). In other words, the mantra is saying, "I am in You and You are in me," thereby stating the unity and brotherhood of all beings, as well as their inner divine potential.
This is one way of expressing the principle of "As above, so below."

Symbols of the sun, moon and planets orbiting our sun